I did not enter in my license number...
It is imperative that you enter your massage license information prior to completing an exam. This information goes on your certificate, as well as what we go by to submit credits to specific states*. You can add your license number when you first create an account, under "Profile and Receipts" then "Certification Numbers," as well as right before you take an exam (see below).

If you entered in the license number AFTER taking an exam, it will NOT appear on your certificate as certificates cannot be edited unless there is a license number mistake (more info). If your state requires that your license number needs to be on your certificate OR you are in one of the states we report credit for (see link), or Tennessee, simply contact us.
We will update your certificate, and the new, updated certificate will be able to be downloaded within your account.
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Normal Hours Mon-Fri 10am-6pm ET / 7am-3pm PT Phone Information Phone: 1-855-586-9053 (Calls Only. No texting) Monday - Friday from 10:00am-6:00pm Eastern Time Contact Form / Email Us Days Closed / Holidays CE Massage is closed on the following dates ...
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