Online testing is straightforward and simple, allowing you to work at your own pace without waiting for others. You will receive your certificate immediately after successfully passing the exam. After you have purchased a course, you will have access to your online course within your account
First, to access your course material go to "1- Course Study Material" and click on "Open Course" to the right of the course you are studying.
Next, to take the online exam, you will go to "2- Take Exam" and click on "Access Exam" to begin your exam.
Each question is multiple choice with one correct answer. For example:
What is 2 x 6 = _____
a. 8
b. 10
c. 12
d. 14
On the online exam, you would select the correct answer by clicking the button next to the answer.
During the exam, you may pause and save your exam, allowing you to technically be able to come back months later and access your saved exam.
You must pass the online exam with 70% or greater to be given a certificate. This is considered an "Open Book" exam. After you pass the exam, go to "3- Completed Certificates," where you can download, view and print your certificate(s) at any time.